Tuesday, September 28, 2010

from ikjo

My partner Antonio told me people do firm handshake it means just the people have strong mind but if he shake with women he won't hold strongly. So it's not relation between firm handshake with longer life.

From Jeanneth

My partner, Azumi was read the article about HandShakes. She things was to hard for her to understood because contain a new words ,she need to use the diccionary most the time in order to undertand the article. She was reading the article few times , but she also likes the contain in the article because she learn a new vocabulary and she learn why is so important to shakeshands .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Interview to martha

Martha love the carrier Language Therapy.
She have her parents living in Peru.
She like know sometime about her carrier like technical and syndromes.
She work with children under 3 years old with different kind of problem like mental delays, austerity, cerebral pasty.
She is planing work with children upper 3 years old with seem problems.
She has a work visa for 1 year.
She like New York because she can talk with different persons, culture.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Katrina stories

Write about one of the stories you listened.
Who are the people?
What happened to them?